Tuesday, December 7, 2010

9. Interesting effigy

Click on picture to magnify.
Size: ~6.5cm
Material: Unknown (the nose seems to be a different material, "attached" on the main material)
Restored: Yes (restored and sprayed with a protectant).
Provenance: Mojave Desert (California part), USA
Estimated period: Upper Paleolithic
Information: This artifact is really interesting: perfect eyes, nose, mouth and neck. If you look at it closely, it is many different carvings that come together and make one larger one. For example, if you look at his nose, you will also notice that is it also the elbow of a smaller image placing his hand on his face. This is a true work of art. The carving style is similar to another artifact found on the same land.

1 comment:

  1. you are right about multi-effigied effigy stones from the paleolithic period, and this is definitely one. However you seem to be missing something in your presentation. Each effigy has it's own power spot to view it from. Find this spot, and you will have a perfect image, and not a skewed one. Try looking up anamorphic art. (not anthropomorphic) Understanding this should make it easier for others to see when you take a pic. If you would like to know more about these, just drop me a line at wanderingrock.1@gmail.com
